
Nancy Scola

Reporter and Writer


Nancy Scola is a reporter and writer whose work focuses on the intersections of technology, politics, and government. She is a reporter for Politico, and for nearly a decade, her coverage of everything from how tech is changing the art of political campaigning to the ongoing policy debate over net neutrality has appeared in the Atlantic, the Washington Post, Reuters, Washingtonian, the American Prospect, Next City, and many other publications. She has also served as a tech policy reporter for the Washington Post, a contributing writer at the American Prospect, a columnist at Next City, a tech and politics correspondent for the Atlantic, and editor of the daily newsletter techPresident. In a previous life, she worked in the U.S. House of Representatives.”
[2006] Nancy Scola is a former staffer for the Committee on Government Reform in the U.S. of Representatives, where she covering technology policy and online communications. Before that, she developed research techniques in the non-profit sector for an organization focused on the development of urban neighborhoods. And before that, she was a grad student in anthropology. She blogs on technology, politics, culture and more at She lives in Park Slope, Brooklyn.

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