Antonella Napolitano is the communications manager for the Italian Coalition for Civil Liberties (CILD), a multi-issue network of 32 NGOs advancing human rights in Italy. From 2010-2015 she was the Europe editor of techPresident. With CILD, she recently co-produced The 19 Million Project, an event that brought together a coalition of journalists, coders, designers, digital strategists, and global citizens, to address the spiraling refugee crisis and finding innovative ways to advance the narrative around the issue. In the past, she served most notably as editor and outreach coordinator for Diritto Di Sapere, an Italian NGO that advocates for a broader access to information in Italy and abroad; as media consultant and volunteers coordinator for an Italian political party; and as community manager for Kublai, a project of the Italian Ministry of Economic Development. She also worked at the Consulate of Italy in New York. She is the author of three books (in Italian) on the use : LinkedIn per aziende e professionisti (2015), Facebook e la comunicazione politica (2013) and LinkedIn. La rete per trovare il lavoro dei sogni (2011), and regularly writes about tech and politics for Italian and international outlets.

Antonella holds a master’s in Media Studies from the University of Bologna, and was a research fellow at Vassar College.