
Philip Ashlock



Phil has spearheaded community-driven civic technology initiatives with global reach. Most recently he served as a Presidential Innovation Fellow working with the GSA and the White House Office of Digital Strategy on Project MyUSA. Previously he was the Open Government Program Manager at OpenPlans where he established the Open311 initiative. Open311 is a standard for publicly reporting and tracking civic issues and is now implemented in dozens of cities around the world. In partnership with Code for America he also co-founded Civic Commons, an initiative to help governments share technology and their experiences using it.

Phil has also facilitated broader collaboration between cities and other government bodies around open government initiatives, standards, and open source civic technology. He’s been active in the Open Government Partnership and served as a member of the NYC Transparency Working Group where he helped shape one of the world’s strongest open data laws: NYC Local Law 11 of 2012.

He currently lives in Washington D.C. where he’s working independently on efforts like DemocracyMap and overseeing a portfolio of projects at

Speaker Sessions and Conferences

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