
Matt Mitchell



Matt Mitchell is a hacker, security researcher, operational security trainer, developer and data journalist who founded and leads CryptoHarlem, impromptu workshops teaching basic cryptography tools to the predominately African American community in upper Manhattan. Matt trains activists and journalists (as an independent trainer for Global Journalist Security) in digital security. His personal work focuses on marginalized, aggressively monitored, over-policed populations in the United States.

Matt is a 2016 Mozilla Foundation / Ford Foundation Open Web Fellow, embedded at Color of Change, a civil rights / social justice organization. He is also an Internet Freedom Festival 2016 Fellow, a New America 2016 CyberSecurity Initiative Fellow, and an advisor to the Open Technology Fund. Previously, Matt worked as a data journalist at The New York Times and a developer at CNN, Time Inc, NewsOne/InteractiveOne/TVOne/RadioOne, AOL/Huffington Post, and Essence Magazine.

Speaker Sessions and Conferences