What’s Next

  • Location

    New School University

  • Time

    May 24, 2004 - 3:45 pm

  • Description

    Theories fail and morph in the harsh light of reality.  Some survive.  Conventional wisdom is often proven wrong in real settings with real voters.  The panelists in this Session have experienced the intersection of politics and the Net first-hand.

    In this session, we will shed light on what works and what doesn’t, raise some unspoken or unquestioned assumptions (and question them), and try to plot a course for the few months remaining in this unusual election season.

    • What would experienced hands do between now and the election to improve the odds of victory?
    • What are the most potent levers the candidates can pull? Key issues?  Swing states?  Specific demographic segments?  Local races?
    • How might the interplay between politics on the Net and on the ground continue to change? What new initiatives might we expect?
    • What will be the signs of a failing campaign?  What milestones should we watch for?

    MODERATOR:  Andrew Shapiro, Host of What’s Next on Thirteen/WNET
    Sanford Dickert, Former CTO of John Kerry for President
    Max Fose, Partner, Integrated Web Strategy
    Danny Goldberg, Author of Dispatches from the Culture Wars: How the Left Lost Teen Spirit
    Joe Klein, Columnist, Time Magazine
    Vince Stehle, Program Officer for Nonprofit Sector Support, Surdna Foundation
    Michael Weiksner, e.thePeople.org