
Britt Blaser


Open Resource Group

For 33 years, I’ve been forming companies and organizing projects to seize opportunities dimly glimpsed by others. The first half of my career was in real estate development in Colorado, in mountain resorts and along the Front Range. This work required the formation of partnerships, financing and quasi-governmental agencies to deliver utilities and, in one case, to develop an interchange on a federal highway. Developments included a community shopping center, large-scale land developments and the invention of a solar home design for which I was awarded U.S. Patent 4420036.

In 1986-92 I was the angel investor and later President and CEO of Dynamac Computer, the first authorized Macintosh clone. In 1992-4, I co-founded the Trust Company of Washington in Seattle. For the last decade I’ve advised clients on a range of increasingly technical projects.

Classically educated and descended from a family of writers, I’ve explored many corners of the American experience: Patrol Leader, Colorado Outward Bound School (climbed five of Colorado’s 14,000 ft. peaks); USAF combat pilot in Vietnam (awarded 2 Air Medals and 3 Distinguished Flying Crosses); ski instructor; Trustee and Development Director, Colorado Academy (Colorado’s largest independent school); Trustee, Colorado Children’s Chorale; Author, Xpertweb peer-to-peer reputation protocol; Senior advisor for Internet strategy for the Howard Dean Campaign; Senior architect for web strategy, Spirit of America; Widely read blogger at “Escapable Logic..

Now based in Manhattan, I recently founded and serve as CEO of Open Resource Group, LLC, a developer of a comprehensive content management system for spontaneous community-forming. The architecture and user orientation is based on lessons learned from the Howard Dean campaign and the Spirit of America project. Our clients are communities that want to grow and organizations seeking to inspire and support a dynamic community around their efforts.

Britt Blaser recently founded and now serves as CEO of Open Resource Group, LLC, a developer of a comprehensive content management system for spontaneous community-forming. The firm’s clients are communities that want to grow and organizations seeking to inspire a dynamic community around their efforts. Britt was the angel investor and later President and CEO of Dynamac Computer, the first authorized Macintosh clone. In 1992, he co-founded the Trust Company of Washington in Seattle. Britt served as senior advisor for internet strategy for Howard Dean’s 2004 Presidential Primary Campaign and senior architect for web strategy at Spirit of America. The author of Xpertweb peer-to-peer reputation protocol, Britt is a widely-read Blogger at Escapable Logic


Speaker Sessions and Conferences