
Jon Lebkowsky


Polycot Consulting

Jon Lebkowsky is CEO of Polycot, which provides information management consulting to businesses and nonprofit organizations. Jon was co-founder and CEO of one of the first virtual corporations, FringeWare, Inc. and is currently president of EFF-Austin. Jon is also a co-founder of the Open Source Business Alliance, the Austin Wireless City Project, and the national Social Software Alliance. Jon serves as an advisor for the annual South by Southwest Interactive conference and serves on the Advisory Board for the University of Texas Science, Technology, and Society Program. He is Vice-President of the Board of Directors for Austin Wireless and a member of the board of advisors for San Antonio-based SalsaNet. Jon contributes to weblogs at weblogsky.com, smartmobs.com, worldchanging.com and greaterdemocracy.org.

Speaker Sessions and Conferences