
Jo Lee



VJo co-founded and directs CitizenSpeak, a non-profit that offers a free and easy-to-use email advocacy service for grassroots organizations. Described as MoveOn for the rest of us, CitizenSpeak enables civic organizations and individual activists to quickly launch powerful email advocacy campaigns to educate representatives and targeted decision-makers about their causes. Activists across the country have created accounts on CitizenSpeak raising awareness and building constituencies in their communities about issues such as education, discrimination, economic injustices and the environment. Jo brings more than 15 years of marketing experience to CitizenSpeak. As a director of marketing and sales, Jo has held critical roles in numerous international high technology public companies. She currently also co-directs In the House PR, a public relations firm that specializes in Web 2.0 communications for high tech and alternative energy companies.

Speaker Sessions and Conferences