
Tom Matzzie

Washington Director


Tom Matzzie is Washington director for MoveOn.org. In that capacity he oversees MoveOn’s legislative advocacy on a range of issues including Social Security, the Courts, the Environment, budget and tax issues, the war in Iraq and other issues important to MoveOn’s 3 million members. Prior to joining MoveOn, Tom was director of online organizing for the Kerry-Edwards campaign – managing an organizing program for the campaign’s 2.8 million person e-mail list. From 2000 to 2004 he was online mobilization director at the AFL-CIO building the union movement’s Internet program – including the 3.2 million e-mail activists on the lists of the unions of the AFL-CIO. Tom (age 30) is also one of the top Social Security organizers in the country. From 1998 to 2000 he organized the coalition opposing Social Security privatization at the Campaign for America’s Future. He has appeared on network and cable television, on nationally syndicated radio and is cited by The New York Times, The Washington Post, the Associated Press and other major daily publications. He holds a degree in Economics and International Peace Studies from the University of Notre Dame.

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