
David Sifry

Founder and CEO


David L. Sifry is a serial entrepreneur with over 19 years of software development and industry experience. Before founding Technorati, Dave was Co-founder and CTO of Sputnik, a Wi-Fi gateway company, and Co-founder of Linuxcare, where he served as CTO and VP of Engineering. Dave also served as a founding member of the board of Linux International and on the technical advisory board of the National Cybercrime Training Partnership for law enforcement. He has a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from Johns Hopkins University. Dave can often be found speaking on panels and giving lectures on a variety of technology issues, ranging from wireless spectrum policy and Wi-Fi, to Weblogs and Open Source software.

[2006] David Sifry is a serial entrepreneur with more than 19 years of software development and industry experience. Before founding Technorati, Dave was co-founder and CTO of Sputnik, a Wi-Fi gateway company, and prior to that was cofounder of Linuxcare, where he served as CTO and VP of Engineering. Dave also served as a founding member of the board of Linux International and on the technical advisory board of the National Cybercrime Training Partnership for law enforcement. He has a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from Johns Hopkins University. Dave can often be found speaking on panels and giving lectures on a variety of technology issues, ranging from wireless spectrum policy and Wi-Fi, to Weblogs and Open Source software. Dave’s blog is Sifry’s Alerts, which can be found via a simple blog search at www.technorati.com.

Speaker Sessions and Conferences