
Steve Effros


Effros Communications

Steve Effros launched his consulting company, Effros Communications, in July 1999, after 23-years as the head of the Cable Telecommunications Association (CATA), one of the major national trade associations for the cable television industry. Steve helped found the organization in 1976 to represent the legal and public policy positions of small and mid-sized cable operators. Over two decades, the “small” operators got big, and the “mid-sized” operators consolidated into the major corporations we know today. CATA and the National Cable & Telecommunications Association (NCTA) merged in June of 1999 and Steve took on a long-term senior advisory role to the NCTA.

As President of Effros Communications, and through his own law offices, Stephen R. Effros, PC, Steve has been retained as a consultant to major cable and Internet companies on strategic analysis, planning and communications issues. He speaks on telecommunications issues nationwide and overseas, and writes a weekly commentary for CableFax Daily, one of the leading cable television trade publications. Prior to his long-time career representing the cable television industry in Washington, Steve spent five years as an Attorney-advisor at the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) where, in 1972, he helped craft the early government regulations for cable television. Prior to his legal career, Steve worked as a news editor and writer at both the ABC and NBC radio and television network news departments in Washington, DC, and as a staff writer at The New York Times.

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