
Rebecca MacKinnon

Research Fellow, Berkman Center for Internet and Society

Harvard Law School

As a fellow at the Berkman Center, Rebecca organizes conferences, speaks, and writes on the future of journalism, blogs and participatory media. She is co-editor of the “Global Voices” project, which seeks to create a more balanced, global conversation in cyberspace by drawing attention to and facilitating the emergence of new, non-American voices. (See http://cyber.law.harvard.edu/globalvoices) She also blogs at www.RConversation.com and is also founder of a blog on North Korea at: www.NKzone.org. Rebecca previously worked as a journalist in Northeast Asia for over a decade. From 2001 until the end of 2004, she was CNN’s Tokyo bureau chief and correspondent, responsible for the network’s coverage of Japan in addition to covering major events Korea, Pakistan and the Philippines. From 1998-2001 she was CNN’s Beijing Bureau Chief and Correspondent.

Speaker Sessions and Conferences