
David Moore

Executive Director

the Participatory Politics Foundation

David Moore is the Executive Director of the Participatory Politics Foundation (PPF), a non-profit organization with a mission to increase civic engagement. At PdF 2015, PPF is announcing its new project: NYC Councilmatic, a free & open-source engagement platform for city government legislation and local issues. From 2006 through 2013, PPF created & operated OpenCongress.org, including the first-of-its-kind Contact-Congress feature set. In 2014, PPF launched AskThem.io, a free questions-and-answers platform for every U.S. elected official and any verified Twitter account, with over 80 participating elected officials nationwide. David is interested in the potential of more-digital legislatures to rehabilitate public trust in government. He’s based at Civic Hall. Contact him anytime for more info on how to bring Councilmatic to your city – email: david@ppolitics.org

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