PdF 2007

May 18, 2007

Schimmel Center, Pace University, New York, NY


The Flattening of Politics


Technology and the Internet are changing democracy in America


Thank you to the attendees of PDF 2007. Please browse this archive site for more information about the 4th annual Personal Democracy Forum.

Technology and the Internet are changing democracy in America. Every year, the nation’s leading technologists, campaign organizers, politicos, bloggers, activists and journalists come together in New York City for a high-level conversation about the new tools, sites and practices that are transforming elections and government, and to ask imperative questions:

  • How is voter-generated content changing election campaigns?
  • Why should advocacy groups adapt to the connected age?
  • What new technology tools and practices are on the horizon?
  • How are new technologies democratizing the political process?
  • Which political leaders “get it”?

Speakers included:


All Sessions

Free Culture, Free Politics

No description is available.

Online Politics: A Demographic Look

Keynote Conversation with Eric Schmidt and Tom Friedman.

Politics is Flat II: The Challenge We Face and How to Respond

No description is available.

The Making of the Netroots

No description is available.

Digital Handshakes on Virtual Receiving Lines

No description is available.

Taking Facebook By Storm: The Million Strong for Barack Story

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Embracing Voter-Generated Content: The Risks and the Benefits

No description is available.

Is Cyberspace Colorblind? Addressing Race and Class Online

No description is available.

Social Networks, Tipping Points and Organizing

No description is available.

Navigating the New Media System

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How to Build Powerful Online Communities

No description is available.

What Will Congress Do Next? Net Neutrality, Copyright, DOPA, etc.

What Will Washington Do Next? Net Neutrality, Open Access, Copyright, etc.

Web 2.0: Cult of the Amateur? A Debate

No description is available.

Lessons from Australia, England and Latin America

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Why Open Platforms Matter

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Message-Jamming with Online Video

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Closing Plenary: TechPresident E-Campaign Directors Roundtable

No description is available.