
Chuck DeFeo

Director of Online Strategy

Salem Communications

An innovator in using new technologies to increase political participation for nearly a decade, Chuck DeFeo has recently joined Salem Communications where he is working to integrate Salem’s talk radio and interactive content. Prior to joining Salem, Chuck served as eCampaign Manager for Bush-Cheney ’04, where he developed the online strategy and managed Internet operations for President Bush’s re-election campaign. He served in a similar capacity with the Republican National Committee during the 2002 Election. Chuck served as a legislative and technology aide to Senator and Attorney General John Ashcroft, and has assisted numerous Congressional, Senate, State and Presidential candidates with their online strategies.

[2006] Chuck DeFeo has been an innovator in using the Internet and new technologies to increase participation in the political process for over a decade. As General Manager for Townhall.com, he works to move conservative talk radio listeners online and be a part of Townhall’s growing conservative online community.

Prior to joining Salem, DeFeo served as eCampaign Manager for Bush-Cheney ’04, where he developed the online strategy and managed Internet operations for President Bush’s re-election campaign. He served in a similar capacity with the Republican National Committee during the 2002 Election. The campaign has been widely recognized for its pioneering grassroots activism tools with Party for the President, organizing neighborhood walks online and emailing maps and directions to the polls to millions of supporters.

DeFeo spent much of his career serving as a legislative and technology aide to Senator and Attorney General John Ashcroft; from creating the first online petition for a member of Congress in 1996 to working to set up the CIO’s office for the Department of Justice. He has also assisted numerous Congressional, Senate, State and Presidential candidates with their online strategies. DeFeo currently serves as a contributing editor for Personal Democracy Forum and is a member of MeetUp.com’s Politics and Governance Advisory Council.

Speaker Sessions and Conferences