
Mary Hodder



Mary Hodder is CEO of Dabble, an early stage startup developing video web services. She is an information architect and interaction designer, developing extreme usability methods, and creating usability for web service companies with social media sites. She has worked with companies in open source, photo sharing, blog aggregation and search, legacy media and was at Technorati before leaving to start her company. She has written reports on blog search and recently one on New Media for the American Press Institute. She is a blogger at Napsterization, involved in issues with ‘live web’ spam control, weighting of blogs and topic communities, tagging, video blogging, and user generated content. She was an original author at bIPlog (the first UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism blog, on the topic of intellectual property, security and privacy). She has a Master’s in Information Science from the School of Information at UC Berkeley.

Speaker Sessions and Conferences