PdF 2008

June 23-34, 2008

Jazz at Lincoln Center • New York, NY


Campaigns, Elections, Media


The Personal Democracy Forum will feature keynote speeches and interactive panels with technology leaders and political strategists who are rewriting the rules of political contests and redefining democracy in our wired world. Learn how to optimize the use of technology in campaigns, how to master the new media system of blogs, social networks, virtual communities, podcasting, mobile phones and online video; and how to raise money, move messages and impact voting more effectively.


Steve Grove, YouTube
Catherine Geanuracos, LiveEarth
Mary Katherine Ham, Townhall.com
Jane Hamsher, FireDogLake
Anthony Hamelle, Linkfluence
Justin Hamilton, Rep. George Miller
Scott Heiferman, Meetup.com
Amy Holmes, CNN
Matthew Hurst, Microsoft
Arianna Huffington, Huffington Post
Alex Hunsucker, Eventful.com
Jeff Jarvis, Buzzmachine
Van Jones, Green For All
Kate Kaye, ClickZ
Cyrus Krohn, Republican National Committee
Justine Lam, Ron Paul ’08
Brian Lehrer, WNYC
Lawrence Lessig, Change Congress
Peter Leyden, New Politics Institute
Josh Marshall, Talking Points Memo
Ellen Miller, Sunlight Foundation
David Moore, OpenCongress.org
Vijay Ravindran, Catalist
Craig Newmark, craigslist.org
Wendy Norris, Colorado Confidential
Beth Noveck, New York Law School
Jonah Peretti, BuzzFeed
Mark Pesce, Co-inventor, VRML
Jay Rosen, PressThink
Alec Ross, Barack Obama ’08
Tracy Russo, John Edwards ’08
Patrick Ruffini, The Next Right
Douglas Rushkoff, author, Open Source Democracy
Liza Sabater, Daily Gotham
Sarah Schact, Knowledge As Power
AJ Schuler, Commonsense Media
Robert Scoble, FastCompany.tv
Matthew Sheffield, Newsbusters.org
Clay Shirky, Author, Here Comes Everybody
Ben Smith, Politico.com
Tom Steinberg, mySociety.org
Sarah Stirland, Wired
Victoria Stodden, Berkman Center for Internet and Society, Harvard
Matt Stoller, OpenLeft.com
Mark Tapscott, Washington Examiner
Zephyr Teachout, Duke Law School
Joe Trippi, John Edwards ’08
Mike Turk, Consultant, eCampaign Director, Bush-Cheney ’04
Michael Van Winkle, Sam Adams Alliance
Jose Antonio Vargas, Washington Post
Katrin Verclas, MobileActive
Austin Walne, Fred Thompson ’08
MP Tom Watson, UK Cabinet Office
Morley Winograd, Co-author, Millennial Makeover
Randall Winston, Facebook Causes
Tim Wu, Columbia Law School
Ethan Zuckerman, Berkman Center for Internet and Society, Harvard
And Surprise Guests TBA


All Sessions

The Internet’s Still Unrealized Potential

A Conversation with Elizabeth Edwards

A New Media System? Or Old Wine in New Bottles?

Visualizing the Political Blogosphere

When Worlds Collide: Social Media, Mainstream Media and Politics

A New Activist System? The Changing Role of the Net-roots and the Right-roots

Politics As If Everybody Can Participate

Yahoo! Presents Building Communities Online

ElectionMall presents: On-Demand Politics: 2.0

Building and Using the World LIVE Web

Making “ONFFline” magic: Converting online “friends” to on the ground activists

Covering the “Click-ocracy”: Tracking the Internet’s Impact on Politics and Journalism

Reinventing Political Media: The Rise of Semi-pro Journalism

Profiles in Anti-Competition

Platform-A Presents: Beyond Blogs: Online Political Advertising in 2008

The Internet Fundraising Frontier: How to Generate a “Money Bomb”

Mobile Politics: How to Unblock the Future

Building a Better Debate, With and Without TV

First Day Closing Plenary: Inside the Presidential Campaigns: What Worked, What Didn’t

A Return to Common Sense: 7 Bold Ways to Revitalize Democracy

The New Renaissance

The Rise of a Civic Generation

The Declaration for Independence

The Power of Information to Transform Government

The Future of the Internet: Towards Civic Technologies

Deploying the Cognitive Surplus: How Social Technology Can Help Solve Global Problems

Hyperpolitics: What Happens When We Are All Connected

All Politics is Local (And the Blogs are Proving It)

Mastering the New World of Online Political Video

National Tech Policy: Which Way Forward?

Campaign-Blogger Relations: Best Practices

New Ways of Making (and Spending) Money Online

Ideas that Spread Win: Going Viral Online

Think-tanking 2.0: How to Move Ideas and Policy in a Networked Age

Great New Political Applications

Closing Plenary: Redefining Leadership in a Networked Age

Day One
Day Two
Archived Agenda

Registration & Networking Breakfast

Rose Theater




Networking Coffee Break,
Sponsored by VShift
New Tools for Political Transparency Press Briefing, Sunlight Foundation
Networking Coffee Break,
Sponsored by VShift
Rose Theater






Networking Lunch
Rose Theater
The Allen Room
Breakout A
Breakout B
Breakout C
Breakout D (Mezzanine)

Covering the "Click-ocracy": Tracking the Internet's Impact on Politics and Journalism

Jeff Jarvis (moderator), Jose Antonio Vargas, Ben Smith, Ana Marie Cox, Sarah Lai Stirland

Building and Using the World LIVE Web

Esther Dyson (moderator), Robert Scoble, Bhaskar Roy, Max Haot, Keith McSpurren

Making "ONFFline" magic: Converting online "friends" to on the ground activists

Mike Turk (moderator),
Matt Ewing, Austin Walne, Joe Green,
Cyrus Krohn

Data Geeks Unite! Building the new tools for getting out the vote, getting out the corruption, and going hyper-local

Lynne Johnson (moderator),
Vijay Ravindran, Greg Elin, John Geraci, Noah Richmond

ElectionMall presents: On-Demand Politics: 2.0
Ravi Singh, Adi Sideman, Dan Burton


Yahoo! Presents Building Communities Online.

Diane Rinaldo (moderator),Brian Keeler, Elizabeth Apelles, Greg Smith

Networking Coffee Break,
Sponsored by VShift

Reinventing Political Media: The Rise of Semi-pro Journalism

Brian Lehrer (moderator), Jay Rosen,
Mary Katherine Ham, Mayhill Fowler, Amy Holmes

Building a Better Debate, With and Without TV

Tom Bevan (moderator), Sam Feist,
Lee Brenner, Dan Gillmor, David Colarusso

The Internet Fundraising Frontier: How to Generate a "Money Bomb"

Julie Barko Germany (moderator),
David All,
Matt DeBergalis,
Justine Lam

Mobile Politics: How to Unblock the Future

Katrin Verclas (moderator),
Catherine Geanuracos, Jed Alpert, Becky Bond, Scott Goodstein

Profiles in Anti-Competition

Adam Green (moderator), Marvin Ammori, Amol Sarva, Mary Hodder, Christopher Libertelli


Platform-A Presents:
Beyond Blogs: Online Political Advertising in 2008

Eric Frenchman, Michael Bassik, Will Castleberry

Rose Theater
The Allen Room
Cocktail sponsored by MySpace

Day Two: Governance and Civic Engagement


A Return to Common Sense: 7 Bold Ways to Revitalize Democracy

with Brennan Center Executive Director, Michael Waldman

Rose Theater
The New Renaissance

Douglas Rushkoff (author, Open Source Democracy; Cyberia)


The Rise of a Civic Generation

Morley Winograd (co-author, Millennial Makeover)
Networking Coffee Break,
Sponsored by VShift

Internet For Everyone Campaign Press Conference
, Free Press

Networking Coffee Break,
Sponsored by VShift
Rose Theater




Networking Lunch
Rose Theater
The Allen Room
Breakout A
Breakout B
Breakout C
Breakout D (Mezzanine)

National Tech Policy: Which Way Forward?

Andrew Rasiej (moderator), Vint Cerf, Alec Ross, Josh Silver, Claudio Prado

Mastering the New World of Online Political Video

Steve Grove (moderator), Josh Marshall, Robert Greenwald, Matthew Sheffield

Design Principles for Online Democracy: Connecting Government and Constituents in the Internet Age

Alan Rosenblatt (moderator),
Sarah Schacht, Tom Steinberg, Steven Clift,
Sheila Campbell

All Politics is Local (And the Blogs are Proving It)

Alex Hunsucker (moderator),
Wendy Norris, Isabel Santa, Ed Cone, Liza Sabater

This breakout starts at 2:25*
Campaign-Blogger Relations: Best Practices
Josh Levy (moderator), Patrick Hynes, Peter Daou

Networking Break,
Sponsored by VShift

Ideas that Spread Win: Going Viral Online

Heather Holdridge (moderator), Jason Calacanis,
Jonah Peretti, Ami Dar, Sean Parker

Idea Market...

The Cross-Partisan Movement for Political Transparency and Watchdogging Government from Below

Ellen Miller (moderator),
Mark Tapscott,
Matt Stoller,
W. David Stephenson

New Ways of Making (and Spending) Money Online


Ari Melber (moderator), Kate Kaye ,
A.J. Schuler, Henry Copeland, Ben Geyerhahn

Think-tanking 2.0: How to Move Ideas and Policy in a Networked Age

Allison Fine (moderator),
Robert Bluey, Peter Leyden


Rose Theater
Great New Political Applications

David Moore, (OpenCongress.org) Michael Dale (Metavid.org)
