PdF 2013

June 6-7, 2013

NYU Skirball Center, New York City, NY


Think Bigger


This year, the theme is "Think Bigger." We've chosen it in part to honor our late friend Aaron Swartz, who used that phrase with PDM co-founder Micah Sifry, while asking, "Why not harness the power of the Internet to work on the larger-scale problems?" Why not, indeed. Read our blog post announcing the theme to learn more.


This year, the theme is “Think Bigger.” We’ve chosen it in part to honor our late friend Aaron Swartz, who used that phrase with PDM co-founder Micah Sifry, while asking, “Why not harness the power of the Internet to work on the larger-scale problems?” Why not, indeed. Read our blog post announcing the theme to learn more.


Archived Agenda

Time Event
8:00 - 9:00 Breakfast and Registration
Begins in Skirball Center
9:00 - 10:00 Welcome Remarks
Andrew Rasiej and Micah L. Sifry
Thinking Bigger
You Know Nothing, Campaigners (video)
Taren Stinebrickner-Kauffman
What Techies Need to Know About Politics (video)
Catherine Bracy
What Politicos Need to Know About Tech (video)
Beth Noveck
10:00 - 10:30 Coffee Break sponsored by Facebook
10:30 - 11:30 Solve for X1
How To Give Congress Back Its Brain(s) (video)
Lorelei Kelly
How Hangouts Are Improving Public Conversations (video)
Steve Grove
Designing the Web for Democracy (video)
Talia Stroud
Girls of Color + CODING = A Radical Act (video)
Kimberly Bryant
11:30 - 1:00 Big Data Campaigning
The Unwritten Future of Personal Democracy (video)
Nicco Mele
The Victory Lab: How Innovation Happens in Electioneering (video)
Sasha Issenberg
GOP 2.0 -- Experimentation in Action (video)
Cyrus Krohn
(People+Truth) * exp(passion) * (Data+Tactics) > $$$$ + Consultants + TV (video)
Becky Bond
The Big Data Secret That No One’s Talking About - Yet (video)
Sara Critchfield
When Sharks Attack, Jump Into the Water (video)
Rachel Weidinger
1:00 - 2:00 Lunch
909 Lunchtime Demo: Mobile Commons Advocacy - Using mobile to get legislative results
Breakouts in Kimmel Center
2:00 - 3:00 Net-Powered Organizing
Personalization and Organizing
Ralph Garvin, Amy Gonzalez, Ron Williams, Seth Bannon, Liz Mair (moderator)
Tech Policy
Battling 'Big Brother'
Alex Fowler, Sasha Romanosky, Sharon Bradford Franklin, Camille François, Andrew Rasiej (moderator)
The Growing Civic Stack
Do's and Don'ts for Civic Hackers
Mark Headd, Erie Meyer, Phil Ashlock, Catherine Bracy, Tom Steinberg, Nick Judd (moderator)
Tech Policy
Competition, Broadband, and Gigabit Networks
Josh Levy, Patrick Lucey, Jill Szuchmacher, Betty Yu, Ben Moskowitz (moderator)
The Uses (and Misuses) of Political Data
Debating Data, Privacy, and Campaigns
Ethan Roeder, Mike Turk, Zeynep Tufekci, Aaron Ginn, Dan Gillmor (moderator)
The Growing Civic Stack
Unlikely Platforms for Civic Engagement
Luther Lowe, Molly Turner, Althea Erickson, Mark Edward Campos, Oscar Salazar (moderator)
3:00 - 3:30 Coffee Break sponsored by Ford Foundation
909 Checkbook NYC Goes Open-Source: Press Conference & Demo with NYC Comptroller John Liu
3:30 - 4:30 Net-Powered Organizing
The Future(s) of Crowdfunding
Jordan Raynor, Mike Norman, Rodrigo Davies, Erin Barnes, Allison Fine (moderator)
Tech Policy
Aaron's Legacy
(Sponsored by Thoughtworks)
Stephen Schultze, Lorelei Kelly, David Segal, Tiffiniy Cheng, Taren Stinebrickner-Kauffman, Sarah Lai Stirland (moderator)
The Growing Civic Stack
Civic Engagement After an Apocalypse
Alex Torpey, Winnie Wong, Emma Richards, Becky Kazansky, David Eaves (moderator)
Tech Policy
Government Innovation and Big Data
(Sponsored by Bloomberg)
Nick Sinai, Rachel Haot, Bryan Sivak, Cristina Alesci (moderator)
The Uses (and Misuses) of Political Data
How to Cover the Data-Driven Campaign
Sasha Issenberg, Nancy Scola, Peter Hamby, Lois Beckett, Nick Judd (moderator)
Net-Powered Organizing
Beyond the Like: New Ways of Organizing on Facebook
Mike Connery, Kaiya Wadell, Terry Sullivan, Cheryl Contee, Deanna Zandt (moderator)
Returns to Skirball Center
4:30 - 6:30 Welcome Back
Micah L. Sifry and Andrew Rasiej
Thinking Bigger
The Next generation of People-Powered Movements (video)
Ben Rattray
Organizing the Majority World (video)
Jeremy Heimans and Manu Kabahizi
Peers Incorporated: The Collaboration Will Change Our Lives (video)
Robin Chase
Powered by Us: Architecting Policy for a Connected World (video)
Nick Grossman
It's a MAD, MAD, MAD World: Cybersecurity and You (video)
Rod Beckstrom
Weapons of the Geek (video)
Biella Coleman
Present Shock (video)
Douglas Rushkoff
6:30 - 8:00 Cocktail Party sponsored by Yahoo!

Friday, June 7

Time Event
8:00 - 9:00 Breakfast and Registration
Begins in Skirball Center
9:00 - 10:00 Welcome Back
Micah L. Sifry and Andrew Rasiej
Solve for X2: Growing the Civic Startup
Sponsored by Omidyar Network
For Love...or Money? Why 'For-Profit Civic Start-up' Isn't A Contradiction in Terms (video)
Keya Dannenbaum
The Net and the Safety Net (video)
Erine Gray
Why Not You? A Call For More Civic Entrepreneurs (video)
Jordan Raynor
10:00 - 10:30 Coffee Break sponsored by Omidyar Network
10:30 - 11:45 Solve for X3
The Woman Solution: Diversity As Your Secret Weapon (video)
Jaclyn Friedman
How Texting Might Save More Lives Than Penicillin (video)
Nancy Lublin
The Doctor is You (video)
Bryan Sivak
The Revolution Will Be Forked (video)
Scott Chacon
Reimagining the Future of American Elections (video)
Kate Krontiris and Kathryn Peters
11:45 - 1:00 The International Net Effect
The Internet and African Politics (video)
Mark Kaigwa
From I-phone to I-democracy: Lessons from Ukraine (video)
Svitlana Zalischuk
#Aufschrei: Germany and the Rising Wave of Feminism Online (video)
Anne Wizorek
Mapping The Corporate Graph (video)
Chris Taggart
Why Our Webs are Rarely World Wide, and What We Can Do About It (video)
Ethan Zuckerman
1:00 - 2:00 Lunch
Breakouts in Kimmel Center
2:00 - 3:00 The Uses (and Misuses) of Political Data
Using Big Data for Grassroots Advocacy
Stefan Hankin, Keeley Mullis, Chip Felkel, Jenny Nuber, Marco Nunez (moderator)
The Growing Civic Stack
Open Government and Inclusion
Steven Clift, Abhi Nemani, Dionne Baux, Demond Drummer, Nancy Lublin, Susannah Vila (moderator)
Tech Policy
Can Left and Right Unite on Internet Freedom?
Berin Szoka, Gigi Sohn, Adam Thierer, Brad Burnham, Mike Masnick (moderator)
Tech Policy
The Camera is Everywhere
Biella Coleman, Ben Moskowitz, Ethan Zuckerman, Michel Martin (moderator)
The Growing Civic Stack
Civic Start-ups and the For-Profit Sector
(Sponsored by Omidyar Network)
Jim Gilliam, Ben Rattray, Ben Wirz, Charlie O'Donnell, Lindsey Franklin, Stacy Donohue (moderator)
3:00 - 3:30 Coffee Break sponsored by Google
909 Press Conference: Sunlight Foundation
3:30 - 4:30 Net-Powered Organizing
Packaging Ideas So They Spread
Sara Critchfield, Rachel Weidinger, Jim Pugh, Tracy Russo (moderator)
Net-Powered Organizing
GitHub Hands-On Workshop: GitHub for the Non-Technical
(Sponsored by GitHub)
The Growing Civic Stack
Building Civic Communities the Open Source Way
Andrew Hoppin, Eddie Tejeda, Brian Gryth, Federica Pelzel, Hillary Hartley (moderator)
Tech Policy
The Future of Tech Policy
Berin Szoka, Gigi Sohn, Katie McAuliffe, Derek Khanna, Mike Masnick (moderator)
The Uses (and Misuses) of Political Data
The Future of Political Data
Serenety Hanley, John Lee, Ashley Spillane, Shannon Chatlos, Sarah Lai Stirland (moderator)
The Uses (and Misuses) of Political Data
One-on-One Conversation with Nate Silver
Nate Silver with Micah L. Sifry
Returns to Skirball Center
4:30 - 6:30 Welcome Back
Micah L. Sifry and Andrew Rasiej
Challenges Ahead
Government in an Age of Phase Change (video)
Salim Ismail
The Future of People-Powered Campaigns in an Age of Big Data (video)
Jeremy Bird
The Revolution Will Be Annotated (video)
Dan Whaley
Solving The Expertise Problem (video)
Nate Silver
When You See the Fork in the Road, Take It (video)
Seth Godin
Breaking Out of the Tech Desert (video)
Shaka Senghor
Emergent Democracy Revisited (video)
Joi Ito

All Sessions
Day One

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Day Two

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