PdF France 2013

June 13th, 2013

Futur En Seine's Le Festival Du Numérique (at Le CENTQUATRE) in Paris, France


Futur En Seine's Le Festival Du Numérique


Personal Democracy Forum France is coming to Futur En Seine's Le Festival Du Numérique! It'll be a day of conversation and analysis that builds upon Personal Democracy Media's series of European conferences, especially 2011's successful PDF France. It'll take place in Paris's Le CENTQUATRE.


Personal Democracy Forum is the world’s leading event exploring how technology is changing politics, government, and society. Our events feature: world class presenters, thought leaders and decision-makers in attendance, substantive coverage by major press outlets, high-level networking among C-suite executives and leading innovators, and new, groundbreaking ideas and discussion. PDF is THE venue for those interested in the future of politics and governance to learn and network.

PDF France 2011 took place at Le CENTQUATRE, with 300 attendees and 37 speakers, including: Fleur Pellerin, currently Minister of Digital Economy, Severin Naudet, Head of Datagouv.fr, Anthea Watson, Obama for America 2012, and Kevin Hauswirth, Social Media Director of Chicago. There was also a PDF France Special Event in December 2012, the US Presidential Election Debrief.


Archived Agenda

09:30 Welcome (Salle 400)
  Manif Pour Eux, Code Por Tous!
09:45 – 11:30 New Mobilizations
Jérémie Zimmerman, La Quadrature du Net
Francis Pisani, Winch 5
Samuel Laurent, Le Monde
Gaetan Duchateau, Datagif
Paola Bonini, Journalist, Italy
11.30-11.45 Break
11:45-12.45 Demain, tous codeurs? (Tomorrow, all coders?) (Salle 400)
Cheikh Fall, Sunu 2012, Senegal
Stéphane Distinguin, President CapDigital, Code pour Paris
Anne Hidalgo, Deputy Mayor, Paris
12:45 - 14:00 Lunch
14:00 - 15:45 Breakout Sessions
L’Empowerment Par Le Code (Empowerment by Code)

Atelier 5

Le Bug Des Netroots à la Française? (The Bug of French Netroots?)
Salle 200

Matthieu Lerondeau, La Netscouade (moderator)

Jean-Baptiste Labrune, Medialab MIT, Bell Labs

Piotr Steininger, Code for Europe Fellow

Cheikh Fall, Sunu 2012, Senegal

Stéphane Distinguin, President CapDigital, Code pour Paris

Nicolas Vanbreemersch, Spintank (moderator)

Armel Le Coz, Parlements et Citoyens

Benjamin des Gachons, Change.org, France

Baki Youssoufou, We Sign It

Pascal Derville, Questionnez vos élus

Julien Landfried, Public Affairs Associate and former candidate

Arthur Muller, Liegey Muller Pons

15:45 – 16:00 Break
16:00 – 17:45 (The Hope of) A Shared Governance? (Salle 200)
MEP Marietje Schaake
Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet, Candidate for Mayor of Paris
Valérie Peugeot, Orange Labs Researcher
Henri Verdier, Head of Etalab