PdF Latin America 2010

November 18-19, 2010

El edificio de Telefónica en Santiago de Chile


Tecnología está cambiando la Política


Political mobilization: The main theme will address all issues related to electoral politics, mobilizing a base and new forms of community organization. The panels on this topic are structured around specific experiences in LatAm. They will highlight case studies and recent electoral experiences in the region. Transparency: This topic will address issues related to government transparency, fighting corruption, improving the effectiveness of governments and creating new patterns of relationships between citizens and government. New Economic Opportunities: This section will focus on the opportunities arising from ICT and their ramifications. Topics to be explored include how new interactive communications technologies are impacting the economic development of countries and how they can become strategic tools in long-term growth. New Public Sphere: This section will present issues related to the creation of a new public sphere and new channels of communication. Issues to be discussed include new schemes in the media, how these relate to public information and how that impacts the public. Local Innovation: This section will focus on technological innovation projects that reflect local needs. Speakers will explore everything from how to combat poverty in the favelas of Brazil to how to use tools to make makeshift visualizations to address natural disasters and corruption.


There is no doubt that technology is breaking into Latin American politics as it has in other parts of the world. What we do not know yet is how exactly it’s playing out, who the main participants are, and what new technological opportunities are available to the media and policy arising within Latin America and that may distinguish these developments from what happens in the rest of the world. The first Personal Democracy Forum Latin America will bring together leading digital leaders in the region to discuss with other leaders of the digital world, how technology is changing politics, November 18-19 in Santiago Chile. This eruption is occurring at various levels and with various actors, so PdF Latin America will address five main themes in the conference, which will then be presented in plenary format and breakouts within the next few days.


Archived Agenda (Day One)

Day 1


08:00-09:30 Registration and Networking Breakfast
09:30-10:00 >> Welcoming Remarks <<
10:00-10:30 >> What is Personal Democracy Forum? A Conversation with its Founders <<
Diego Beas, Felipe Heusser, Andrew Rasiej, Micah Sifry
10:30-11:00 >>Conversation with the Audience<<
11:00-11:30 >> break


11:30-11:45 >> The Experience of Campus Party <<
Aitor Martin
11:45-12:00 >> Political mobilization through the Internet <<
Soninha Francine

>> Using Technology to Benefit Developing Countries <<
Pedro Fuentes Schuster/Patrick Meier

12:30-12:45 >> Technology and the Expansion of Human Rights <<
David Sasaki
12:45-01:00 >> Sharing is Daring: The Power of the Internet to Advance Social Justice <<
Deanna Zandt
01:00-01:15 >> Opening Our Governments with the Power of Technolgy <<
Felipe Heusser
01:15-01:30 >> Bringing Technology to Public Policy and Civil Society in Latin America <<
Montserrat Nicolas
01:30-03:00 >> Lunch


Main Hall Panel 1
>> Control of information in semi-closed societies: Are Internet spawned citizens better informed?
Jorge Dominguez/Ernesto Hernandez-Busto/Montserrat Nicolás/Gabriel Sama/Diego Beas (moderator)
>> Information technologies in the fight against corruption: case studies
David Sasaki/Eduardo Leoni/Anita Bascuñan/Vasco Furtado/Monica Pachon (moderator)
Panel 2 Panel 3
>> How technology can help build grassroots movements in unequal societies
Deanna Zandt/Roberto Lovato/Pepe Huerta/Micah Sifry (moderator)
>> Can technology transform the state?: How to challenge the government to innovate
Pedro Schuster/Claudio Orrego/Lucas Lanza/Renata Avila/Katie Dowd (moderator)
04:15-04:45 >> Coffee break


04:45-05:05 >> WikiCrimes.org: New technologies, new ways to solve old problems<<
Vasco Furtado
05:05-05:25 >>New citizenship, new media<<
Miguel Paz
05:25-05:45 >> Blogosphere, authoritarianism and civil society: the "Cuban Case"<<
Ernesto Hernandez-Busto
05:45-06:00 >> Conclusiones<<
Cocktail Party

Archived Agenda (Day Two)

Day 2


08:00-09:00 Registration and Networking Breakfast
09:00-09:15 >> Welcoming Remarks <<
9:15-10:00 >> Government and innovation: how to make them work together <<
A Conversation with Ricardo Lagos
10:00-10:30 >>The future of telecommunications<<
Claudio Munoz
10:30-11:00 >> break

Main Hall

11:00-11:15 >> Media, government control and the future of political influence in Latin America <<
Gabriel Sama
11:15-11:30 >> Empowering citizens through open mapping <<
Jeff Warren
11:30-11:45 >> Reducing the digital divide and encouraging citizen participation <<
Claudio Orrego
11:45-12:00 >> How to gain public confidence and public information <<
Eduardo Leoni
12:00-12:15 >>Using the web from the campaigns to the Government<<
Hernan Larrain
12:15-12:30 >> From old to new media: A road map <<
Juanita Leon
12:30-12:45 >> On how to confront the old media <<
Roberto Lovato
12:45-1:00 >>Social networks from an international focus <<
Toby Daniels
1:00-1:15 >> Why open data is important for electoral monitoring <<
Eric Gunderson
1:15-1:30 >> Twitter in times of crisis: history of Venezuela, Chile, Mexico and Colombia <<
Claire Williams Diaz
01:30-03:00 >> Lunch


Main Hall Panel 1
>> Control and the Internet: experiences in Latin America
Marc Cooper/Juanita Leon/Montserrat Nicolas/Lucas Lanza (moderator)
>> How to take advantage of a technology gap
Enrique Mayorga/Jeff Warren/Patrick Meier/Nancy Scola (moderator)
Panel 2 Panel 3
>> Using technology to drive economic development
Eric Gunderson/Pedro Schuster/Claire Williams Diaz/Alejandro Prince/Natalia Fidel (moderator)
>> ElectionMall: the election of Juan Manuel Santos in Colombia
Oscar Morales/Ravi Singh/Richard Griffiths
04:15-04:45 >> Coffee Break
  04:45-05:05 >>Adopting the tag to get a responsible party <<
Alex Pesso
  05:05-05:25 >> Open vs. closed models: the battle of the century <<
Alec Ross
  05:25-06:00 >> Closing Remarks <<