PdF Poland-Central Eastern Europe 2015

April 16 - 17, 2015

Copernicus Science Centre (Polish: Centrum Nauki Kopernik) in Warsaw, Poland


Personal Democracy Forum Poland-Central Eastern Europe (PDF PL-CEE)


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Questions can be directed to the Polish organising team: Karolina Wysocka tel 0048 607 046 535, pdf@epf.org.pl.


The biggest event in Europe dedicated to exploring the intersection of new technology, democracy and civic involvement will be held in Warsaw on April 16-17 2015. The Forum brings together people from all over the region of Central Eastern Europe and selected experts from other countries and continents. Last edition was attended by more than 400 participants from 29 countries, join this community!


Archived Agenda (Day One)

Agenda still being recovered from archives.