PdF Ukraine 2016

Feb 1-2, 2013

Kyiv, Ukraine


Net:Working Democracy


Democracy doesn’t just happen. It is a matter of values and a contract between all the society members and institutional or corporate actors. To build it, sustain it and let it evolve we need a social infrastructure. The war in Ukraine, the Refugee Crisis, corruption and surveillance - democracy can’t be taken for granted. It is never “done”, it is a process. Technology can help facilitate it, but it isn’t an answer. As one of the youngest democracies in Europe Ukraine can be a pioneer of using technologies for democracy building, but in many cases there is no need to reinvent the wheel. At Personal Democracy Forum Ukraine we will speak to both local and global problems and net:work democratic solutions together.


Personal Democracy Forum Ukraine is organized by TechSoup Europe, Fundament and the Civil Network OPORA in a partnership with Hromadske TV, Personal Democracy Media and the United Nations Development Program in Ukraine. The event is made possible thanks to the support from the U.S. Department of State, Charles Stewart Mott Foundation and the National Endowment for Democracy.

More information at PDF Ukraine 2016 site.


Archived Agenda