
April Glaser

Technology Writer and Journalist at Slate

April Glaser is a staff technology writer and journalist at Slate. Prior to Slate, she was a writer and reporter at Wired and Recode, where she focused on artificial intelligence and technology policy. Before writing full time, April worked at the Electronic Frontier Foundation, where she was one of the key organizers in the national network neutrality campaign and was an advocate for digital privacy campaigns. April is also the founder of a community radio station in Nashville, Tennessee and worked for years at the Prometheus Radio Project, where she helped build community radio stations, organized public participation in FCC hearings across the country on media ownership policy, and helped to pass the Local Community Radio Act, which reallocated all unused FM spectrum for local community use for the largest expansion of community radio in US history. Glaser is on the board of a local hackerspace in Oakland and helped found the Library Freedom Project, an initiative to bring digital privacy education to libraries. She is based in Oakland, California.

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