
Chellie Pingree


Common Cause

Chellie Pingree has been the president and CEO of Common Cause since March 2003. As leader of Common Cause, she oversees a 35-year-old public interest organization with 300,000 members and supporters whose goal is to engage people in their democracy, and to make government at all levels more open, honest and accountable. Pingree was instrumental in expanding Common Cause’s agenda to include media reform, arguing that access to information and news is crucial to citizens’ participation in their government. She has commented on issues as diverse as the ethics of Tom Delay, the problems with the 2004 elections, the corruption of no-bid contracts for Iraq, and the need to preserve the filibuster for major media outlets, including the New York Times, the Lehrer News Hour, NBC Nightly News, and All things Considered. Her leadership in the fight against media concentration earned her a profile in Broadcasting and Cable Magazine.

Prior to leading Common Cause, Pingree served for eight years in the Maine Senate, with the last four years as majority leader. She also was a Democratic candidate for U.S. Senate in 2002. In the Maine Legislature, Pingree was known for successful legislative battles regarding health care, economic development and the environment. She authored legislation that created a landmark program known as Maine Rx, which lowered the cost of prescription drug prices for seniors. In 2001, she was named the Consumer Health Advocate of the Year by Families USA.

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