
Elana Levin

Communications Manager

Drum Major Institute

Elana Levin serves as Communications Manager at the Drum Major Institute for Public Policy, a New York-based think tank generating ideas that fuel the progressive movement. DMI is noted for using the lens of the middle class squeeze to analyze national and local policy. As Communications Manager Elana has worked to innovate how think tank messages are disseminated. She runs the highly regarded DMIblog (www.dmiblog.com), a blog dedicated to building a conversation over public policy by tapping the collective wisdom of experts, organizers, activists and the netroots at large. As a former community organizer who worked on local New York issues, Elana also serves on the steering committee of Blogging Liberally, a network of New York-area progressive bloggers started by the founders of Drinking Liberally, a weekly cocktail hour for progressives and also hosts the Williamsburg Brooklyn chapter.

Speaker Sessions and Conferences