
Gina Glantz


Gina Glantz is the founder of Her career in politics and organizing has been distinguished by innovative use of technology. In 1974, Ms. Glantz ran the first congressional campaign to use computer technology in canvassing voters. She went on to manage state and national campaigns. In 1985, Ms. Glantz founded Martin & Glantz, a firm specializing in grassroots organizing and strategic communications. In 1989, the firm organized the largest Supreme Court amicus brief to date signed by governors and state legislators. In 1999, the Bill Bradley for President campaign, which she managed, successfully petitioned the FEC to allow Internet credit card matching contributions. Senator Bradley became the first candidate to raise a million dollars over the web. While serving as Senior Advisor to the President of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) from 2001 to 2009, Ms Glantz created, an online contest of ideas that attracted participation from every congressional district in the country.

Ms. Glantz was a Fall, 2009 Institute of Politics Fellow and a Shorenstein Center Visiting Adjunct Lecturer in 2011 and 2012. In 1981 she participated in the HKS program for Senior Executives in State and Local Government. Ms. Glantz graduated from the University of California at Berkeley in 1965. She serves on the boards of Oxfam-America and DEMOS, a progressive think tank, and was Chair of Planned Parenthood Action Fund from 2010-2013.

Serial organizer/shit stirrer/campaign tech innovator/grandmother. First campaign managed: 1974 surprise win by Democrat against longest serving Republican in the House. Last campaign: not-so-surprising defeat of Bill Bradley by Al Gore for the Democratic presidential nomination. Founded Martin&Glantz, specializing in grassroots organizing and communications strategies. Stint at Service Employees International Union. Harvard Kennedy School Institute of Politics Fellow and Shorenstein Center Adjunct Lecturer. Founded GenderAvenger, a community that ensures women are represented in the public dialog. Demos, Oxfam-America and TurboVote Board Member.

Speaker Sessions and Conferences