
Henry Copeland

Henry Copeland launched the Blogads service in 2002. Today, Blogads.com connects hundreds of blogs with advertisers including Time Warner, JohnKerry.com, The Republican National Committee, The New Republic, Rhino Records, O’Reilly Media, Paramount Pictures, Random House, eChristianWebhosting and Audible.com. During the ’04 electoral cycle, Blogads ran hundreds of ads for different candidates and causes. Henry received a BA in history from Yale University. After working on Wall Street and in Budapest as a journalist, Henry founded Pressflex.com, the parent company to Blogads, in 1998. Pressflex today serves as the webmaster for nearly 100 newspapers and magazines across Europe.

[2006] Henry Copeland leads Blogads.com. Launched in 2002, Blogads handles advertising for 300 leading political blogs including DailyKos, HughHewitt, Talkingpointsmemo, Atrios, Redstate and PoliticalWire. Having drunk the blog Kool-Aid early and often, Copeland believes blogs are bigger than the Beatles. In previous lives, Copeland was a Wall Street bond trader and a business journalist in post-Communist Europe. Copeland graduated from Yale University in 1984.

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