
Jed Miller

Digital Strategist

Jed Miller is director of Internet programs for the American Civil Liberties Union. He was previously director at the New York nonprofit Web Lab, where he oversaw online dialogues on civic issues and social change. As interactive editor at The New York Times on the Web, he managed all reader forums and created the Web discussions for the newspaper’s Pulitzer-winning 2000 series on race in America. Jed has written about digital democracy and Internet culture for the Soros Foundation, the Kettering Foundation, PlaNetwork Journal, Mary Furlong’s Boomer/Senior Market Report and others. His site and personal blog can be found at
Jed Miller is a veteran digital strategist who guides mission-driven organizations to stronger alignment between vision, tools and communities. He currently consults on open data and social justice programs to the World Bank, the Laura and John Arnold Foundation and the Natural Resource Governance Institute, among others. He previously served as internet director for the Revenue Watch Institute and, before that, as digital director at the American Civil Liberties Union. Jed has taught communications at Columbia’s School for International Public Affairs (SIPA) and has written for the Guardian, Open Society Foundations and the General Services Administration. He is a native New Yorker a founding contributor to Personal Democracy Forum.

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