
Joe Green



Joe Green is the founder and CEO of essembly.com, the first social networking site devoted to non-partisan political discussion and action. Essembly allows users to present their opinions and vote on those of others, compare their ideologies to their friends, connect with like-minded people, and organize.

Joe is currently completing his senior year at Harvard College. He was an early collaborator on facebook.com, which was started by his roommate Mark Zuckerberg. Facebook is the dominant social networking site for college students, and the 7th most trafficked site in the US. Joe also served on the Curricular Review Committee while at Harvard, and was featured in the book Harvard Rules. He was the chair of the Harvard Political Union, and wrote his honors thesis on the politics of white working class men, for which he conducted extensive interviews in Louisville, KY.

Joe has worked on four political campaigns. He interned on L.A. United, the San Fernando Valley anti-secession campaign, during his first summer of college; and for John Kerry leading up to the New Hampshire primaries the following summer. He took a semester off from school in 2004 to work as a field organizer for John Kerry in Northwestern Arizona and spent the last two weeks on the campaign managing GOTV for Southern Las Vegas and Henderson. While at school and at home in Santa Monica, Joe worked on the campaign to elect Julia Brownley to the California Assembly.

Joe was born and raised in Santa Monica, CA, and attended the public schools. He first became interested in politics while serving on the Santa-Monica Malibu Board of Education.

Speaker Sessions and Conferences