
Liza Sabater


Culture Kitchen

Liza Sabater is the publisher of publishes culturekitchen, (www.culturekitchen.com), an online conversation, scrap book and idea lab about the decline of progressive and libertarian practices in the US and their impact on arts, culture, politics, sex and technology. Her work as a wordsmith has appeared in academic journals, art reviews, newspapers and magazines; but she is most happy when publishing on the web and creating affinity and advocacy communities online. She co-produces the Brown Bloggers (www.brownbloggers.com) and Blog Sheroes (www.blogsheroes.com) meetup series. Started with Nichelle Stephens (www.nichellenewsletter.typepad.com), their goal is to promote, grow and network the cultural, racial and gender diversity of the blogosphere. She is on the advisory board of the BlogHer conference (www.blogerher.org), the first US conference of women bloggers. And this month she is launches The Daily Gotham (www.dailygotham.com), New York’s new community blog dedicated to progressive grassroots news and activism.

[2006] Liza works as a new media advisor and strategist. She consults with artists, creatives, cultural institutions and advocay groups on how to use social networking technologies to develop their communications strategies into online platforms for social convergence.

She is the founder and lead writer of CultureKitchen.com, the only bilingual blog of the Top 100 progressive blogs in the United States and The Daily Gotham, New York’s fist community blog dedicated to grassroots news and activism; as well as other blogs.

Liza’s fluency in three different languages (Spanish, Portuguese and French) has made it possible for her and her blogs to appear in major media publications like The New York Times, The Daily News, El Diario/ La Prensa, Le Monde and O Jornal do Brasil as well as in radio, TV, conferences and think tank forums from countries from around the world.

Speaker Sessions and Conferences