Norman Sadeh
Carnegie Mellon University School of Computer Science
Norman is a Professor in the School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University and an entrepreneur. He is well known for his pioneering research in mobile and social networking, mobile security and privacy, machine learning and artificial intelligence. Norman is a co-creator of Livehoods.org, an urban computing service that analyzes social media data to help understand the dynamic nature of cities.
At Carnegie Mellon University, Norman is director of the Mobile Commerce Lab and co-director of the School of Computer Science’s PhD Program in Computation, Organizations and Society. He has authored around 200 scientific publications, including a 2002 best-selling book on “M-Commerce: Technologies, Services and Business Models”, which anticipated many of the developments that took place in this space over the past ten years. In the late nineties, he served for two years as Chief Scientist of the European Union’s 550 million Euro initiative in e-Work and e-Commerce, an initiative that led to the launch of over 200R&D projects involving a total of about 1,000 European companies and universities.
Norman is also co-founder, chairman and chief scientist of Wombat Security Technologies, a leading provider of cyber security training software products and anti-phishing filtering solutions
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