
Ruby Sinreich

online organizer/consultant/capacity-builder

Ruby Sinreich is the founder and editor of OrangePolitics.org, a progressive multi-author community weblog with a vibrant community discussing local issues around her hometown of Chapel Hill, NC. Professionally, she specializes in strategies that connect people to each other, sometimes known as “network-centric advocacy,” “Web 2.0,” or “grassroots organizing,” depending upon what type of geek one is. 😉

Ruby’s professional experience includes social network analysis, blogger outreach, organizer capacity-building, web site design and development, online communication strategy, and all manner of trainings. Ruby has helped hundreds of progressive nonprofits use technology more effectively in service of their educational, movement-building, and political missions. She has worked with organizations of all sizes and scopes including local women’s centers, statewide advocacy organizations, and national and international institutions such as Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Greenpeace International, and the American Civil Liberties Union.

Ruby is also an engaging and informative public speaker and workshop facilitator. She has led sessions or served on panels at South by Southwest Interactive, Harvard’s Berkman Center, NetSquared, IPDI’s Politics Online Conference, N-TEN’s Nonprofit Technology Conference, and many other events for nonprofits and advocacy organizations.

Please visit lotusmedia.org to learn more about Ruby and be subjected to her opinions on everything from local politics to Second Life.

Speaker Sessions and Conferences