Sonya Reynolds
Data and Innovation
NY Civic Engagement Table
Sonya has a decade’s experience in social justice and progressive data, she oversees data and innovation at the NY Civic Engagement Table and started Colibrà Labs and Progressive HackNight. She strongly believes that the answer to everything is not to be data driven: data is the GPS and the driving should come from those doing the work on the ground.
Additionally, Sonya serves as the co-chair of the steering committee for Participatory Budgeting NYC, is a member of the North American Participatory Budgeting Research Board, and is a Data Security and Privacy trainer for Justice Works Conference and NYC Stronger Communities, a project of Research Action Design (RAD), Mozilla Foundation, and New York City Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs (MOIA), is a three-time NCAA All-American tennis player, and a former rock climbing instructor.
She currently lives and hosts weekly dinners with her wife and other life partner, Baxter the vizsla-mutt dog, in Brooklyn.