
Sophie Raseman

Director for Smart Disclosure

U.S. Treasury

Sophie Raseman is the U.S. Treasury Director for Smart Disclosure, as well as a Senior Policy Advisor & Co-Chair of the Task Force on Smart Disclosure. She’s a graduate of Yale Law School and has notably worked on New Haven’s Earned Income Tax Credit Outreach and Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Campaign, as well published a study showing that peer comparison feedback reduces residential energy usage.

Smart Disclosure is a new set of tools to provide consumers with better access to personal information and product information simultaneously. This can come in the form of a “Blue Button” that allows a user to see their healthcare history, or a “Green Button” that allows them to see their energy usage. In 2012, a Smart Disclosure summit was held by the White House, in conjuction with the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) and ideas42. The Obama Administration has committed to Smart Disclosure as part of its Open Government Partnership National Action Plan.

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