Speaker Database / 1,371 Speakers
The Personal Democracy Forum was a conference that ran for over 15 years and took place in NYC, Europe and Central America.
Christian Crumlish is a writer and consultant based in Oakland, California. He co-hosts the blog conference on the Well and is on the advisory board for TakeBackCa.org, a nonprofit promoting clean-money campaigns. He is also on the organizing committee of East Bay for Democracy. His most recent book is < href=”http://x-pollen.com/many” target=”_new”>The Power of Many: How the Living Web is Transforming Business Politics, and Everyday Life, his consulting firm is Mediajunkie.com, and he blogs primarily at xian’s monolog.
Chris is a founder of AMG and serves as VP of Engineering, leading the development of AMG’s media optimization platform with a cross disciplinary team of 40 engineers, analysts, and media experts. In addition to candidates for Senate, Governor, and mayor, AMG has worked with Fortune 500 companies in entertainment (e.g. NBC, HBO, New Regency, MSG), hospitality (e.g. Choice Hotels), retail, and elsewhere and will optimize more than $60 million in media placements in 2015.
Previously, he led the design and development of the Democratic Party’s state-of-the-art application for the reporting and visualization of media spending, polling, field and other critical campaign data for Obama for America, each of the party committees and other federal campaigns.
He also worked as a Fellow at the Social Security Administration, redesigning SSA architecture and software using modern technologies in an attempt to increase efficiency and save hundreds of millions of dollars a year. Chris has a Master of Engineering in Computer Science and a BA in Computer Science and Political Science from Cornell University.
Christopher Wolf, a litigation partner at Proskauer Rose LLP in that law firm’s Washington, DC Office, is co-chair with Mike McCurry of “Hands Off the Internet”, a public policy advocacy group. MSNBC has called Chris “a pioneer in Internet law.” He was involved in the earliest matters involving the Internet, helping to make new law for new technologies.
He successfully represented The Washington Post in a high-profile challenge by the Church of Scientology to reporters’ use of the Internet. He represented the recording and software industries in the first successful lawsuits against online piracy. And he was among the first lawyers to litigate domain name disputes,
jurisdictional issues and the limits to online and e-mail marketing. A recent case involved a trademark law challenge to the use of Google “adwords” for marketing purposes. Chris also teaches Internet Law, most recently as an adjunct professor at the School of Law at Washington & Lee University.
An innovator in using new technologies to increase political participation for nearly a decade, Chuck DeFeo has recently joined Salem Communications where he is working to integrate Salem’s talk radio and interactive content. Prior to joining Salem, Chuck served as eCampaign Manager for Bush-Cheney ’04, where he developed the online strategy and managed Internet operations for President Bush’s re-election campaign. He served in a similar capacity with the Republican National Committee during the 2002 Election. Chuck served as a legislative and technology aide to Senator and Attorney General John Ashcroft, and has assisted numerous Congressional, Senate, State and Presidential candidates with their online strategies.
[2006] Chuck DeFeo has been an innovator in using the Internet and new technologies to increase participation in the political process for over a decade. As General Manager for Townhall.com, he works to move conservative talk radio listeners online and be a part of Townhall’s growing conservative online community.Prior to joining Salem, DeFeo served as eCampaign Manager for Bush-Cheney ’04, where he developed the online strategy and managed Internet operations for President Bush’s re-election campaign. He served in a similar capacity with the Republican National Committee during the 2002 Election. The campaign has been widely recognized for its pioneering grassroots activism tools with Party for the President, organizing neighborhood walks online and emailing maps and directions to the polls to millions of supporters.
DeFeo spent much of his career serving as a legislative and technology aide to Senator and Attorney General John Ashcroft; from creating the first online petition for a member of Congress in 1996 to working to set up the CIO’s office for the Department of Justice. He has also assisted numerous Congressional, Senate, State and Presidential candidates with their online strategies. DeFeo currently serves as a contributing editor for Personal Democracy Forum and is a member of MeetUp.com’s Politics and Governance Advisory Council.
Cirenia Dominguez is a cleaning professional and business owner. She is proud to be part of Up & Go, a web application for booking home cleaning services from worker-owned businesses. Cirenia is a founding worker-owner of Brightly Cleaning, a worker cooperative in Staten Island, New York that is committed to securing fair wages and providing high-quality cleaning services.
After studying Literature, Claire publishes “Politiques de la littérature, politiques du lien”.
She then focuses on new media studies at New York University and earns a master with a thesis on “Serendipity by design”, under the direction of Helen Nissenbaum.
New media journalist, she collaborates with Square Canvas, Philosophy Magazine, Neon, Din and FutureMag.
She is now working on the translation of “Alone Together”, by the MIT media anthropologist Sherry Turkle MIT.
She recently completed an essay-fiction about the disappearance in the world of surveillance, which will air on Arte radio at the end of 2014, as part of an interactive project on digital identity.
laire Williams Díaz leads social innovation and philanthropy at Twitter. She holds an MBA and other degrees from Stanford and Oxford Universities and was a fellow with the Skoll Foundation. She co-founded Hope Runs, a non-profit organization in Kenya. She is a published author and writes on such diverse topics as social media strategy, saving money, and generation Y. Her first book appeared in 2010. Find her at www.claire.us.com or via @clairew on Twitter.
Es abogado de la PUC. Estudio en el Colegio Saint George y posee un Master en Políticas Públicas, en Harvard. Esta casado con Francisca Morales y tiene 4 hijos que frecuentemente lo acompañan. En 1990 fue presidente de la FEUC. En 1996 lideró la Comisión de Modernización del Estado, impulsando proyectos como el uso de la firma electrónica y la creación del sistema de contrataciones públicas ChileCompras. Siendo concejal de Peñalolén, creó una corporación llamada “El Encuentro” para disminuir la brecha digital en sectores vulnerables. El año 2000¸ a los 33 años, es nombrado ministro de Vivienda y Bienes Nacionales. Posteriormente, se desempeñó como vicepresidente de Desarrollo de Negocios y Gobierno Electrónico en SONDA y vicepresidente de la ACTI.El 2004 resultó electo en la alcaldía de Peñalolén, con un 47% y reelecto el 2008 con un histórico 58% de los votos. Fue vocero de Eduardo Frei en la segunda vuelta y actualmente es Vice-presidente de la Democracia Cristiana y Presidente de ProyectAmerica, punto de encuentro de los diversos sectores Concertacionistas. Bajo su mandato, se ha innovado en una política de Comuna Digital para mejorar la calidad de atención al vecino y disminuir la brecha digital de los sectores vulnerables a través de nueva infraestructura como Telecentros, Concejo en Línea, OIRS Digital, DOM Digital y Permisos de Circulación Online, siendo premiados como ‘Comunidad Digital de América Latina’.El alcalde fue nombrado “La persona TIC del Año 2009” por la Asociación Chilena de Software. Actualmente sigue trabajando por un Peñalolén líder en desarrollo digital, para generar oportunidades y entregar un servicio de excelencia a los vecinos.