PdF 2015

June 4-5, 2015

NYU Skirball Center, New York City, NY


Imagine All The People: The Future of Civic Tech


The theme for this year's Personal Democracy Forum, our twelfth since 2004, is "Imagine All The People: The Future of Civic Tech." We want to take you into a future where everyone is participating, a future that we build together using technology appropriately, powering solutions to shared civic problems. The future is what we make it; at this year's PDF we'll gather to hear from the people who are making civic tech that genuinely matters, and fighting to ensure that everyone gets to benefit.


The theme for this year’s Personal Democracy Forum, our twelfth since 2004, is “Imagine All The People: The Future of Civic Tech.” We want to take you into a future where everyone is participating, a future that we build together using technology appropriately, powering solutions to shared civic problems. The future is what we make it; at this year’s PDF we’ll gather to hear from the people who are making civic tech that genuinely matters, and fighting to ensure that everyone gets to benefit.


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Archived Agenda (Day One)

Time Event
8:00 - 9:00 Breakfast and Registration
Begins in Skirball Center
9:00 - 10:00 Welcome
Andrew Rasiej and Micah L. Sifry
Where Civic Tech Starts
Understanding America's Interested Bystanders
Kate Krontiris
Public Engagement Is Broken. Are You Part of the Problem?
Catherine Bracy
People v. City: A Love Story In Three Hacks
Xavier Leonard
10:00 - 10:30 Coffee Break
10:30 - 12:00 Civic Tech and Powerful Movements
Reckoning With Power
Eric Liu
Creative Collision: How Business and Social Movements Will Reshape Our Future
Palak Shah
Putting Labor in the Lab: How Workers Are Rebooting Their Future
Carmen Rojas
Labor Codes: The Power of Employee-Led Online Organizing
Jess Kutch
Powerful Platforms, Powerful Movements
Malkia Cyril
The Net as a Public Utility
Harold Feld
12:00 - 1:00 Designing for Civility
Segregation, Society, and the Future of Social Data
Dave Troy
Imagine All the Feelz
Deanna Zandt
Constantly Distracted? Design for Time Well Spent
Tristan Harris
What Kind of God Do We Want To Be?
Jim Gilliam
1:00 - 2:00 Networking Lunch
Breakouts in Kimmel Center
2:00 - 3:00 Organizing and Activism
Confronting the Counterrevolution: How Civic Actors Can Hold Their Own in Global Affairs
Amb. Ben Rowswell, Katherine Maher, Andrea Chalupa, Taylor Owen (moderator)
Digital Tools and Techniques
Navigating the Political Data Provider Landscape
Tom Dougherty, Jim Gilliam, Tiana Epps-Johnson, Paul Westcott, Heidi Sieck (moderator)
Civic Clinics
Understanding and Overcoming Barriers to Participation
John Webb, Jon Sotsky, Sandy Heierbacher, Allison Fine (moderator)
Ideas and Controversies
Hacking Culture for Social Change
Andrew Slack, Bridgit Antoinette Evans, Kerri Kelly, Tracy Van Slyke (moderator)
Media Praxis
Fixing Our Attention
Tristan Harris, Rachel Weidinger, Andrew Golis, Sabrina Hersi Issa (moderator)
Tech Futures
Disruptive Opportunites in Mobile
Bart Myers, Ted Henderson, Damola Ogundipe, Rachna Choudhry, Erhardt Graeff (moderator)
Speedbumps on the Road to Govt as a Platform (Sponsored by Accela)
Emma Mulqueeny, Amen Ra Mashariki, Greg Bloom, Mark Headd (moderator)
Returns to Skirball Center
3:00 - 3:30 Coffee Break
3:30 - 4:30 Organizing and Activism
How the Net (Neutrality Battle) Was Won
Michael Khoo, Althea Erickson, Evan Greer, Malkia Cyril, Sally Kohn (moderator)
Digital Tools and Techniques
How Digital Advertising is Reshaping Everything
Annie Levene, Josh Koster, Patrick Ruffini, Tracy Russo (moderator)
Civic Clinics
Labs for Social and Economic Empowerment
Palak Shah, Carmen Rojas, Hannah Calhoon, Ibrahim Abdul Matin (moderator)
Media Praxis
Check It Before You Wreck It: Fighting Viral Misinformation Online
Claire Wardle, Madeline Bair, Ellery Biddle, Sunita Bose, Tom Trewinnard (moderator)
Tech Futures
Building Businesses in Civic Tech (Sponsored by Omidyar Network)
Jim Gilliam, Story Bellows,Dan Brillman, and Stacy Donohue (moderator)
NYC 2025: A Workshop with the Mayor's Technology Leadership
Jeff Merritt, Minerva Tantoco, and Jessica Singleton
Digital Tools and Techniques
Measuring What Matters (and Ignoring What Doesn't)
Jackie Mahendra, Nick Allardice, Taren Stinebrickner-Kauffman, Catherine Bracy (moderator)
Returns to Skirball Center
4:30 - 6:30 Confronting the Future
You Are Not a Target: What We Actually Do With Your Data
Carol Davidsen
Weapons of Math Destruction
Cathy O'Neil
Fear Fear
Lila Tretikov
The Perils and Prospects of Bringing the Next Billion Online
Sunil Abraham
An Internet of Things That Do As They're Told
Cory Doctorow
Kimmel Center - 10th Floor
6:30 - 8:00 Cocktail Party
8:30 - ? Powerpoint Karaoke
Civic Hall (156 Fifth Ave, 2nd floor)
MCed by Deanna Zandt

Archived Agenda (Day Two)

Time Event
8:00 - 9:00 Breakfast and Registration
Begins in Skirball Center
9:00 - 10:00 Welcome
Andrew Rasiej and Micah L. Sifry
Rebooting Representative Democracy
Building a New Operating System for Democracy
Santiago Siri
Can We Finally Have a Digital Democracy?
Emma Mulqueeny
Imagining the Congress of the Future
Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers
10:00 - 10:30 Coffee Break
10:30 - 11:50 Building With, Not For
The U.S. Digital Service: An Improbable Public Interest Startup
Haley Van Dyck
Open Data and Mass Joy
Daniel X O'Neil
From Alinsky to Zuckerberg: UX Rules for Radicals
Taren Stinebrickner-Kauffman
During and After Atrocity: How Kenyans Use The Web to Heal and Deal
Nanjira Sambuli
Collaborative News: From "Narcotweets" to Journalism-as-a-Service
Andres Monroy-Hernandez
Do-it-Yourself Drones for Good
Emily Jacobi
11:50 - 1:00 Getting to Real Change
The Long Struggle for Open Knowledge
Rufus Pollock
Winner Texts All
Nancy Lublin
Reverse-Engineering the Vampire Squid
Astra Taylor
Time For an "Internet Party"?
Craig Aaron
Can the Internet Generation Come to Power?
Birgitta Jonsdottir
1:00 - 2:00 Networking Lunch
Breakouts in Kimmel Center
2:00 - 3:00 Organizing and Activism
Pro-Internet and I Vote: How Can the Net Build Political Power in 2016?
Malkia Cyril, David Segal, Zephyr Teachout, Jessy Tolkan, Craig Aaron (moderator)
Civic Clinics
Build With, Not For (Workshop, Part One)
Josh Stearns, Sandy Heierbacher, Kenneth Bailey, Liz Barry, An Xiao Mina, Demond Drummer
Ideas and Controversies
Cooperative Alternatives to the Sharing Economy
Trebor Scholz, Palak Shah, Andres Monroy-Hernandez, Nancy Scola, (moderator)
Media Praxis
How Civic Tech is Changing the Way Newsrooms Cover Elections
Jenn Topper, Derek Willis, Jonathan Capehart, Luciana Lopez, Chris Gates (moderator)
Tech Futures
Financing Political and Civic Tech
Shaun Abrahamson, Stacy Donohue, Benoit Wirz, Mike Mathieu, Julie Menter (moderator)
Reinventing the Think Tank (sponsored by New America)
Tim Wu, Annmarie Levins, Alec Ross, Anne Marie Slaughter (moderator)
Digital Tools and Techniques
Innovations in Messaging the Electorate (sponsored by Rentrak)
Scott Tranter, Christopher Frommann, Bret Leece, Edward Niles, Jennifer Green Carol Davidsen (moderator)
3:00 - 3:30 Coffee Break
3:30 - 4:30 Organizing and Activism
Black Twitter, #BlackLivesMatter: Turning Pain Into Political Power
Lizz Brown, Lauren Brown, Bridget Todd, Kimberly Ellis, (moderator)
Digital Tools and Techniques
Using Facebook for Advocacy (Sponsored by Facebook)
Steve Jacobs, Deanna Zandt, Alex Torpey, Crystal Patterson (moderator)
Civic Clinics
Build With, Not For (Workshop, Part Two)
Josh Stearns, Sandy Heierbacher, Kenneth Bailey, Liz Barry, An Xiao Mina, Demond Drummer
Ideas and Controversies
Connecting the Unconnected -- Access, Digital Inclusion, and the Open Web (Sponsored by Mozilla)
Nancy Scola, Raina Kumra, Josh Levy, Jochai Ben Avie (moderator)
Tech Futures
The Evolution of Political Analytics
Scott Tranter, Kass Devorsey, Masahiko Aida, David Seawright, Ethan Roeder, (moderator)
Designing the Digital Legislature
Emma Mulqueeny, Ben Kallos, Seamus Kraft, David Moore, Melissa Sandgren (moderator)
Returns to Skirball Center
4:30 - 6:30 The Future of Civic Tech
Blockchain As the Next Platform
Brian Forde
Network Mapping the Ecosystem
Marc Smith
The Civic Graph: Put Yourself On The Map
John Paul Farmer
Hacking the Civic Imagination
Andrew Slack
The Politics of Joy
Zephyr Teachout

All Sessions
Day One

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Day Two

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